75 Great Pond Road Simsbury Connecticut 06070 United States
Purple Flag Accredited Organizations
The following care providers are recognized for their excellence and for driving continuous improvement in the quality of services delivered to those living with dementia. These organizations underwent a rigorous audit, during which they worked in collaboration with the Connecticut Assisted Living Association (CALA) and the Institute for Senior Living Education (ISLE) to implement procedures and best practices. The Purple Flag™ accreditation standards are developed in consultation with healthcare experts and providers to further enhance staff education and demonstrate a commitment to best practices.
McLean Life Plan Community
At McLean Health Center in Simsbury, CT, you can rest assured that your loved one will receive the highest quality Memory Care. Unlike most traditional Memory Care communities in Connecticut, McLean believes in a less inhibiting, more enriching method to memory support. Their design and approach, coupled with cutting-edge technology, can enhance your loved one’s abilities and empower them to lead an engaging, fulfilling lifestyle.